Intensely Loud

It is early Sunday morning and the only thing on my mind is finally being able to eat a decent breakfast. The boot camp workout for today was completely and utterly brutal as was the growling in my stomach.

As I enter the Chinese restaurant to pick up my order, I cannot help but notice the wondrous smell of egg rolls. The way they are fried to the variety of different meats that are cooling right next to them.

The intense growling in my stomach gets worse as time goes on. Being stuck in a line that has more than 10 people in front of me has made the cramping in my stomach feel 10 times worse. The uncomfortable feeling get worse as the growling inside me decides to become more vocal.

As a reflex I begin to scan my surroundings hoping that no one has noticed. Unfortunately for me someone has, a younger boy standing besides his mother who is curiously looking at the other people in front of him as well as those behind him.

It was during his backward glance that his eyes found mine as soon as the sound echoed from within me. I couldn’t help but look back at him with an expression of embarrassment and pain while he turned back around and giggled.

As a means to distract myself from the humiliation, my gaze dropped on a couple to the left of me that was sitting down eating their meal. They had on Niners’ attire and were discussing whom they believed the niners should face off in at the Super bowl.

“It would be exciting to see the Niners go against the Ravens,” the husband said. “Not only would it be brother against brother but it would be a great way for Ray Lewis to go out.” His wife agreed with what he said and continued eating her meal.

Turning back around, relief crossed my face because it was finally my turn to pay at the register. Once I received my food, I quickly made my way to the car with a still growling stomach in tow.

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