Human are misusing their power

“Cruel, atrocious, bloodthirsty, inhuman, lack of compassion …” People seem to use lots of words for the police’s action of shooting the lion, but one is enough: “EXTERMINATION.”
The images of a mountain lion running down from the hill and losing itself in a resident’s front yard make me wonder if the natural habitats still exist in this world. If the natural environment is large enough for the wild animals, we may never have a chance to see them appearing in our yards just for “relaxing?!” No doubt the areas of the natural habitats are more and more narrowed by the human impact. People have been deforesting for agricultural development, building houses and the companies and expanding their residential areas.
The government always calls upon people to live in harmony with the environment, and they have set up many laws for protecting nature and wild animals. However, in an emergency in which human benefits and security are threatened, people still put their priorities above all, and they readily root out every cause of the “dangers.”
It sounds like the police had their reasons to kill the lion.
By that shooting, the police are working against all of the governmental appeals as well as our efforts to conserve the natural environment. If killing is the only way to protect us from dangerous lions, people should hunt them down in the local mountains. However, we should consider if it is a wise decision. Shooting is a simple solution, in contrast with the time, money and efforts spent on protecting the natural habitats, which seem to become meaningless now.
The police are paying a high cost for their irresponsibility. They decided to shoot the lion because they had lack of time to come up with a better solution. In other words, they had no preparation for this unexpected situation. They already admitted that they forgot to turn on the emergency alert system when seeing the lion in the front yard. Because the government invested $200,000 for the emergency- alert device, it needs to be used appropriately. Disappointedly, the police did not use any extra options to warn the residents, like loudspeakers, or use other supporting equipment to catch the lion, except for the gun. Instead of letting the residents concentrate around the location, the police should have dispersed the crowd, so they could complete their mission in the most effective way.
The Animal Protection Laws of the U.S. requires all people to take care of the animals and protect them from the mistreatment. Because the police shot the guiltless lion, they must have responsibility for their action and receive a certain punishment from the law. The police need to be more flexible and prepared for the difficult situations. Especially in this case, to think further, they need to see lion as an escaping treasure, not as an intruding danger that needs to be killed.

About thiangel1605

Everything passed my life, I will save until the end...

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