Books By Cody

An ancient book that has had the biggest impact on my life in the Holy Bible. I use the bible as my moral guidelines on a daily basis, even though sometimes I fail. I also read the bible almost everyday for guidance on how to handle difficult life situations, like forgiving people who have made me angry. The bible is full of interesting stories and historical records that are entertaining too.
A second book that has impacted me is a historical, non fiction novel called “In Harm’s Way”, by Doug Stanton. This was the first World War II novel I had ever read, and the gruesome stories are fresh in my mind about the heroic Navy sailors who treaded water for days in the hot south Pacific ocean while fighting off sharks. Reading the sailors’ stories gave me a deeper appreciation for our armed forces, as well as for former military men and women.
The third and final most influential book on my life is “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain. This book reminds me of some of my family members, especially with the Southern dialects that Mark Twain incorporates. When Huck smokes his corn cob tobacco pipe in the story, that gave me the inspiration to try smoking a corn cob pipe myself, which is something that I still enjoy doing occasionally. On a more serious note, Huck Finn also presents a moral message about the problems with racism. These are links to the three books that have influenced me, in order:

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