Archive by Author | ecdpark

Propaganda Techniques By Cody Parker

Ads that usually catch my attention are for beer, so I located a Budweiser advertisement. This ad uses two propaganda techniques; the use of “beautiful people” and “euphoria”.

Propaganda techniques

Ads that usually catch my attention are for beer, so I located a Budweiser advertisement. This ad uses two propaganda techniques; the use of “beautiful people” and “euphoria”.  The propaganda concept of using beautiful people to promote a product is pretty self explanatory. In the advertisement I selected for Budweiser beer, it shows a macho, manly man with a hammer in his hand and an attractive blonde woman pouring him a frosty drink into a glass. Both the people in this ad are attractive people who are dressed nicely. The next propaganda technique of euphoria is also used. Euphoria is the use of an event depiction that causes happiness. In this beer ad, the viewer gets the impression that the man has been busy working on something, but then he finally gets to have a glass of beer from his companion. It is the euphoria of having a beer after a long day’s work. Here’s the ad link:

Week 8 Internet By Cody Parker

I can’t say that I’ve ever used the world wide web for dating or gaming, but I definitely shop there. I am not into video games, and I prefer meeting with people face-to-face in any situation, but shopping online is very economical and I shop online to buy things like shoes, car parts, or my favorite hair pomade, at half the price of a store. One of my favorite sites is With that said, I am not addicted to the internet, unlike my friend named Lewis. I think Lewis is the only person I know that is addicted to using the internet,  and I believe that too much of anything is not good, especially the web. Lewis is a chronic gamer on an internet game called “World of Warcraft”, which had hurt his social life. All his friends are online, on a different continent! Due to the time drained from his gaming, he had difficulty finding or pursuing any real full time jobs. In addition to gaming, he once told me he was addicted to online “adult” entertainment, like pornography websites, and he physically couldn’t stop viewing them. As you can probably imagine, that addiction didn’t help his dating life very much. Fortunately, Lewis joined a Christian church group that I was also a member of, and has been able to defeat his addictions through our church’s support network. We prayed with him every week, and he has been aided tremendously. Now, Lewis has a steady job at Rite-Aid, and only play games on the internet occasionally. He beat the addiction by being honest about his addiction, and reaching out for help to other people. Here are some links to websites I mentioned in this blog(excluding the pornography!):

Week 7 Blog By Cody Parker

Length: 1:56

Description: A brief biography on the life and achievements of Guglielmo Marconi, known as the “father of radio”.

Chapter: 8 in textbook

Video Quiz: Guglielmo Marconi was granted the world’s first patent on which technology?

Answer: wireless telegraphy

Week 5: Movies By Cody Parker

I went and saw “The Dark Knight Rises”, which is a movie in the Batman series and I enjoyed it. I don’t go to the movie theaters very often, but this movie was a great action flick to watch in theaters, with intense fighting scenes between the hero, Batman, and the villain, Bane. Although I prefer The Joker, a villain from a different Batman movie, I like to root for the villains in movies, and Bain was an awesome villain. My all time favorite movie is drastically different from Batman; “The Blues Brothers”. I like “The Blues Brothers” so much because I am a blues music fan, and this movie features many blues legends in it such as John Lee Hooker and Ray Charles. I also like the sense of humor in this movie. I first watched the Blues Brothers on video cassette at home.


Blues Brothers

Trailer: Blues Brothers

Week 4: My Magazine By Cody Parker

Mr. Publisher,
The following is my radical new idea for a magazine that’s going to literally “rock” the magazine world. I’m going to be as brief as I can, but give this a read and tell me if it’s going to be a hit:

Magazine Title: Rockabilly Village

The Big Idea: There is an emerging and growing genre of music called “psychobilly” that stems from rockabilly and 1950’s rock roll music. So what, right? Well, I propose making a magazine that’s a combination of old and new rockabilly music, like no other magazine does. There are some magazines that focus on only “psychobilly” music, like the magazine “Twisted Psychobilly” or rock music, like “Rolling Stone”. This magazine will bring the old and new together with articles and lots of pictures of the artists.

The Audience: This magazine is aimed at teenagers and musicians, as well as some elderly who like to reminisce about the good old days of rock and roll. The appeal is towards both genders, regardless of their race.

The Competition: Our chief competitor would be “Rolling Stone” magazine, but I think we’ll beat them. One of our focuses will be on lesser known rockabilly artists by getting their names out there, unlike “Stone”, and promoting them with down to earth articles that don’t have just one political slant.

The Advertisers: Here’s 5 that would do well: Philip-Morris, CNN, Guitar Center, Cigar Aficionado, Cadillac.
The First Articles: 1. Biography of Johnny Cash 2. Story of a new artist overcoming drug addiction 3. An electric guitar buyer’s guide 4. Top 10 Rockabilly songs of all time 5. Psychobilly Revolution

The Cover: The front cover will feature a black and white picture of Johnny Cash smoking a cigarette in the studio in 1956. The title font is New Courier, and sparkly. The side of the page mentions the article on Johnny Cash. Here’s a sample:

Books By Cody

An ancient book that has had the biggest impact on my life in the Holy Bible. I use the bible as my moral guidelines on a daily basis, even though sometimes I fail. I also read the bible almost everyday for guidance on how to handle difficult life situations, like forgiving people who have made me angry. The bible is full of interesting stories and historical records that are entertaining too.
A second book that has impacted me is a historical, non fiction novel called “In Harm’s Way”, by Doug Stanton. This was the first World War II novel I had ever read, and the gruesome stories are fresh in my mind about the heroic Navy sailors who treaded water for days in the hot south Pacific ocean while fighting off sharks. Reading the sailors’ stories gave me a deeper appreciation for our armed forces, as well as for former military men and women.
The third and final most influential book on my life is “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain. This book reminds me of some of my family members, especially with the Southern dialects that Mark Twain incorporates. When Huck smokes his corn cob tobacco pipe in the story, that gave me the inspiration to try smoking a corn cob pipe myself, which is something that I still enjoy doing occasionally. On a more serious note, Huck Finn also presents a moral message about the problems with racism. These are links to the three books that have influenced me, in order:

Week 2 Media Impact By: Cody Parker

Mass Communication
Cody Parker
Blaming the Jackasses
Have you ever had urge to go defecate in a display model toilet at a hardware store in public that is clearly not hooked up to any plumbing? Or how about going down a steep hill in a shopping cart? Or, maybe you’ve contemplated soaking your friend in lighter fluid and lighting them on fire? Most rational people would probably answer no, unless it’s the members of the popular TV show “Jackass” where all of these stunts have taken place. I’ve seen the show before, and while some of the stunts they do are really hilarious, others are senseless and extremely dangerous. I can remember that this TV show was in the hot seat for a while because some teenagers had soaked their friend in gasoline and lit him on fire, almost killing him. Lighting people on fire is something that has been done on this popular TV show “Jackass”, and the media has blamed the show for influencing young minds into copying what the show does and really getting hurt or dying. The following is a link to the “fire” incident that happened in real life, not on “Jackass”-

Media Autobiography By Cody Parker

Cody Parker

January 2013

Mass Communication
My Media Autobiography
There were books on the ceiling, books on the floor, books by the windows and books by the door. It wasn’t a library or a government building. This is what the inside of my old house looked like when I was really young, because my mother always had and bought us children’s books and read them to us as infants. The books were there, and I loved to read them often. I still like to read today but to be honest, when I’m in school and required to read terribly written textbooks, reading for leisure loses its appeal for me. Nonetheless, I am an avid consumer of media.

Even though I’m in school now I still like to read a newspaper almost daily; the San Jose Mercury News. With the newspaper, I think what I like about it so much is the feel of the paper and the ink on my hands, in addition to reading the local police blotter to see if any of my relatives are featured in it. In addition to the paper, there is only one magazine I have ever really been in to, a magazine called “Cigar Aficionado”, because one of my hobbies is smoking fine cigars. Other than this, I don’t have a history with magazines and don‘t really care for them. I do like many, many movies of different genre’s. My favorite movie ever is probably “The Blues Brothers”, in addition to westerns and old gangster films. As a matter of fact, “Blues Brothers” inspired me to buy the same kind of sunglasses that they wore in the movie, which are Ray Ban Wayfarer’s that I wear to this day. I also listen to a lot of music, okay, a TON of music, which is one of my obsessions. Almost all of my music collection is CD’s, which I rip on to my computer. As I type this blog, I have music on! I use the internet to access music as well, and sometimes the radio, and I have not had any television in my household in years. Other than maybe being a radio disc jockey, I don’t have any plans to get a job in the media field, nor have I ever had a job in the media.