Week 4: My Magazine By Cody Parker

Mr. Publisher,
The following is my radical new idea for a magazine that’s going to literally “rock” the magazine world. I’m going to be as brief as I can, but give this a read and tell me if it’s going to be a hit:

Magazine Title: Rockabilly Village

The Big Idea: There is an emerging and growing genre of music called “psychobilly” that stems from rockabilly and 1950’s rock roll music. So what, right? Well, I propose making a magazine that’s a combination of old and new rockabilly music, like no other magazine does. There are some magazines that focus on only “psychobilly” music, like the magazine “Twisted Psychobilly” or rock music, like “Rolling Stone”. This magazine will bring the old and new together with articles and lots of pictures of the artists.

The Audience: This magazine is aimed at teenagers and musicians, as well as some elderly who like to reminisce about the good old days of rock and roll. The appeal is towards both genders, regardless of their race.

The Competition: Our chief competitor would be “Rolling Stone” magazine, but I think we’ll beat them. One of our focuses will be on lesser known rockabilly artists by getting their names out there, unlike “Stone”, and promoting them with down to earth articles that don’t have just one political slant.

The Advertisers: Here’s 5 that would do well: Philip-Morris, CNN, Guitar Center, Cigar Aficionado, Cadillac.
The First Articles: 1. Biography of Johnny Cash 2. Story of a new artist overcoming drug addiction 3. An electric guitar buyer’s guide 4. Top 10 Rockabilly songs of all time 5. Psychobilly Revolution

The Cover: The front cover will feature a black and white picture of Johnny Cash smoking a cigarette in the studio in 1956. The title font is New Courier, and sparkly. The side of the page mentions the article on Johnny Cash. Here’s a sample:

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