Week 8 Internet By Cody Parker

I can’t say that I’ve ever used the world wide web for dating or gaming, but I definitely shop there. I am not into video games, and I prefer meeting with people face-to-face in any situation, but shopping online is very economical and I shop online to buy things like shoes, car parts, or my favorite hair pomade, at half the price of a store. One of my favorite sites is http://www.amazon.com. With that said, I am not addicted to the internet, unlike my friend named Lewis. I think Lewis is the only person I know that is addicted to using the internet,  and I believe that too much of anything is not good, especially the web. Lewis is a chronic gamer on an internet game called “World of Warcraft”, which had hurt his social life. All his friends are online, on a different continent! Due to the time drained from his gaming, he had difficulty finding or pursuing any real full time jobs. In addition to gaming, he once told me he was addicted to online “adult” entertainment, like pornography websites, and he physically couldn’t stop viewing them. As you can probably imagine, that addiction didn’t help his dating life very much. Fortunately, Lewis joined a Christian church group that I was also a member of, and has been able to defeat his addictions through our church’s support network. We prayed with him every week, and he has been aided tremendously. Now, Lewis has a steady job at Rite-Aid, and only play games on the internet occasionally. He beat the addiction by being honest about his addiction, and reaching out for help to other people. Here are some links to websites I mentioned in this blog(excluding the pornography!):



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