Archive | March 16, 2014

Week 10: Media Ethics

My Views

I find the media to be clever. They know what to say and what to show to make us, the viewers, sway to a certain direction they want us to go. For example, with FOX News. No doubt that station wants the democrats to look bad, and glorify republicans in a way. It’s kind of a bummer because some of the viewers are not educated with the knowledge that what they are seeing could be manipulative. Same goes for newspapers and magazines, because newspapers can be tabloids and spread nasty rumors about locals, and women’s fashion magazines kind of influence our society with the media’s definition of beauty. I find it very annoying when I turn on the local news and see them talk about a certain celebrity, as if it’s any of our business. But then again, they have to do what they got to do to keep us interested.

Media ethics

Working for a magazine, I am keenly aware of ethics. Ethical guidelines provide a standard for someone working the media. My religion shapes most of my views on ethics. I have both Absolutist and situational ethics. Rawl’s “Veil of ignorance” as bin my guiding principle with out me know about him until taking Mass Comm. While Aristotle’s the “Golden Mean” as been guiding me in most of my world views.

As a journalist one should work to be fair to all people and to give there side of a story a fair and open hearing. When I covered events for La Voz and their were plenty of times when I had diametrically opposed views from the people I was speaking with. It can be hard at times to keep ones own views from creeping into a story. A journalists views and opinions should be left to the opinion page. That is how the Wall Street Journal works.

Professional guidelines that lay out prescriptive and proscriptive codes give a journalist a framework for their job. If their is a conflict of interest my duty to society and personal conscience come first. Followed by profession and organization.

A journalist should always be accountable to his reading public.

Week 10: Media Ethics

Media are delivering message to public faster through internet. They also have more access to all kinds of information. To attract people’s attention, media tend to focus on reporting violence and sex which presents a ugly world;however, today’s Media ethics are getting better. I do not have much opinion about today’s media ethic except the paparazzi who stock celebrities and their child.

Blog #10: Media Ethics

Francisco Alvarado

I’m not the biggest fan of media ethics, in its current state. The medium with the worst ethics, in my opinion, is Television. Advertising has little regulation, news shows run what seems to be the most brutal and disgusting reports every day, and the various kinds of news shows, ESPN and Fox News for example, blow minor occurrences out of proportion, wrecking lives and swaying opinions day in and day out. With the rise of social media outlets, television studios take the latest rumor or trending topic and make them into official reports. The media creates so many psuedo-events that what they call news has become questionable. It almost seems like there are two kinds of news now, factual reports and television news. Despite my great appreciation of the First Amendment, I feel government should step in and establish explicit regulations for television news reporting.

week 10: Media Ethics

By: Brenda Romero

  In today’s media, I don’t think that some journalist and other media outlets follow the ethic guidelines. News is supposed to inform us about what is happening around us. Now we have more opinion based news than actual news. Today’s media is solely focused on what stories or the delivery of a story, could generate more viewers. Conflict of interest also plays a huge role in this, for example we saw how fox only reports things that go along with their conservative views. Another thing that has shaped media ethics is duty to one organization or firm. Some journalist might be persuaded to only tell the side of the story that would make their boss look good.  Many journalist probably fear that they might get blacklisted if they don’t agree or follow the beliefs of their boss. I think that the audience has an overall affect on the way news and the media is delivered. If we the viewers weren’t so focused on the popular entertainment stories , that are not important, then we would actually get real news.