Archive by Author | mamiramon

Week 10: Media Ethics

Questionable Ethics

Michelle Miramon

I question the ethics of today’s media because taking this class has opened my eyes to how media can be perceived.  I didn’t know that big networks are all owned by only a few companies which would make the outcome of the news bias.  After watching Outfoxed, it has come to my attention that news anchors and journalists were not able to freely report the news, but to cater to their superiors on what is allowed to be covered and how it may be covered.  I have learned how to find reliable sources to confirm a news article and that all the news that is put onto social media may not accurate.  I recently stopped using Facebook as my news source when I realized that the articles are more than likely to not be accurate or real.


Week 11: Class Highlights

My personal “Aha!” moment.

Michelle Miramon

  1.  Realizing that my Intro to CA Law class was useful to present Chapter 13: Media Law.  It was interesting to find that my law class would intertwine with my journalism class.  I was able to use the terminology that was taught in my law class to better explain chapter 13.  I had a huge moment when going over this chapter because I was able to learn about the Watergate Scandal, which is a movie that I plan on watching in the near future.
  2. The Seven Secrets of media was a big moment because I am able to apply it to whatever new media is created.  It was interesting to learn about the seven secrets because it can be applied to everything and anything.
  3. Papyrus, enough said.  I have always been a big fan of a store called Papyrus because they sold different kinds of papers and stationaries and I enjoy being creative when it comes to writing letters.  I never put too much thought into why the store was called Papyrus until I learned what it was.Taking this journalism has greatly affected my level of media literacy.  I definitely view media in a different way because this class has taught me to be more aware of where I receive my news.  The Bill of Rights has impacted my understanding because I was able to learn that the government passed the Sedition and Libel Act only a few years after the Bill of Rights was ratified, which also ties back to the Seven Secrets of media.

Week 7: Propaganda in Advertising

Props to Propaganda

Michelle Miramon

This advertisement is using the beautiful people technique by using happy families and happy people to fake the viewers to want what is shown through this advertisement.  The viewers will want what the happy families have, a happy home and happy family, and also a nice car, which happens to be a Jeep Cherokee as well.  This advertisement is using the bandwagon technique as well because most Americans want their military families to come from war.  This particular commercial uses that want to persuade its viewers to want the Jeep Cherokee.

Week 8: Media Law

An invasion of privacy

Michelle Miramon

Erin Andrews, a sports newscaster and co host of Dancing with the Stars, was secretly video taped in her private hotel room at the Marriott in Nashville.  The hotel allegedly made it easy for her stalker to check in the room right next door.  The stalker video taped Erin Andrews getting ready, naked.  The video went viral with more that 17 billion views and Erin Andrews is not suing her stalker and the Marriott for an invasion of privacy.

Week 9: Internet

To coupon or not to coupon

Michelle Miramon

I have always been the type of person to save a dollar or two, so I began heavy habit of using coupons.  I was always online either using Instagram to follow other couponers (others that heavily coupon as well) or to follow the latest deals by a well known couponer.  This was a time consuming hobby, where I was always online checking on deals or up pretty late at night organizing my coupons.  I have to say that I saved a lot of money on food and cleaning supplies, but it began to not be worth my time when I didn’t have anymore space for the items that I was purchasing.   This affected my life by me having to come up with new places to put food or cleaning supplies and I didn’t have time to go out with my friends as often because I was too busy collecting and organizing coupons for my next coupon shopping spree.

Week Five: Movie

Movies to Enjoy

Michelle Miramon

Train Wreck

I enjoyed this movie because I believe that the circumstances named in this movie is very realistic.  It shows the truth and awkwardness of dating that is so real.  I watched this move on an application on my Roku, which is basically free streaming online.

Now and Then

This is my all time favorite movie because of the music the producers used in the movie.  After watching this movie as an adult, I’ve realized how realistic the movie may be.  I watched this movie on VHS while I was a child, but I have also watched it streaming through an application on my Roku.

It’s all about the bass.

Week 4:  Audio

It’s all about the bass.

By:  Michelle Miramon


Marvin Gaye -Charlie Puth Ft. Mehgan Trainor

I love this song because it sounds like a 50’s song and I enjoy music in that era.  I prefer music with meaning and/or a message behind the music itself.  It’s very interesting how new artists/artists trail back and use music samples from years ago and put a new twist in it as well.  I believe the first time I heard this song was on Pandora, which is a music app from my phone.  Not too long after I heard this song through Pandora, I heard it on the radio all the time.

Unforgettable – Nat King Cole

I enjoy this oldie because it reminds me of my Lolo and Lola (grandparents).  Every time I hear this song it reminds me of my Lolo and Lola because when it was played, my Lolo would sing and dance to the song with my Lola.   I heard this song while I was staying with my Lolo and Lola’s place when I was a child.  I believe my Lolo was playing a tape recording of this song from his boom box.


Paperbacks with Influence.

Week 3:  Books

Paperbacks with Influence

By:  Michelle Miramon


The Coldest Winter Ever –Sister Souljah

I actually read this book in high school and as I recall, I finished this 544 page book within a couple of days.  For the first time, I could not put the book down.  My mind was not developed enough to relate to the drama that the main character, Winter, went through at such a young age, but I remember feeling so much pain for her after finishing the book.  I recall getting my first taste of the real world and thinking that some people have it so much worst.


Memoirs of a Geisha:  A Novel  –Arthur Golden

I read this book within a few days as well, it was yet another book that I couldn’t stop reading.  This book goes in detail of the struggle for women in the asian culture.  It made me appreciate having the opportunity to be raised in the U.S.  Memoirs of a Geisha shows the reader the in’s and out’s of the sex industry outside of the U.S.  It doesn’t sugar coat any scene nor situation, which I believe is reality.


The Da Vinci Code –Robert Langdon

I really enjoyed the suspense in this book because the facts given in book were tangible.  The book makes you open up your eyes to your every day use of items.  It makes you look at these every day items very differently.  I highly recommend this book to anyone with an imagination.



Week 2: Business Impact of Media

The Half Truth.

By: Michelle Miramon

Although the media is controlled by a few corporations, I do believe that we as media consumers do have more media choices.  We are able to read the news on a newspaper, an article in a magazine, or as a top story on Yahoo.  Even my smart phone updates me throughout the day on what’s going on in the world outside of the bay area.

I strongly believe that the government has control of the media because my brother served as a soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan during the war.  When he would call or write letters of what was going on during the war, it was nothing that I heard on the news.  I sometimes even felt what he was saying was unreal because what the media put out for the media consumers was nothing close to what his stories revealed.  This chapter solidifies my beliefs on the media because I was always felt like the news I would read or hear was not the full story.  The media would give a bias opinion on what was really going on.  I wouldn’t say that I strongly agree with the government having control on the media is a bad idea because I also think that if the government released every little detail, then the media consumers will be scared.

Media and Me.

Week 1:  Media Autobiography

Media and Me

By:  Michelle Miramon


It was my freshman year of high school and I just finished a book that I had printed from the internet.  I don’t recall the title of the book, but I still remember the feeling after I was done reading the book.  It was a romantic tragedy and I was highly interested in books after that experience.  Since then, I was gifted a Kindle, where I’m able to purchase books online or sometimes for free. I will admit reading from my Kindle is not the same experience as reading a real book where I’m able to physically turn the pages.  But being able to purchase a book online is way more convenient than going to a library and checking out a book.

I was never a fan of reading the newspaper because the ink would get all over my hands.  I’m not familiar with recordings.

Reading a gossip magazine like US while I’m waiting in line at the grocery store is my guilty pleasure.  I know that most of the information on the front page is false, but I can’t help myself from reading about other’s dirty laundry.  I used to receive a children’s magazine called Highlights and really enjoyed that because it was a learning magazine with fun games.  I want to say this magazine is behind my light addiction to Sudoko.

I watch plenty of movies and television while I’m cleaning or cooking.  I more so, listen to the movie.  I wouldn’t say I watch television and movies like I used to as a child because I like to multitask.  Hence, why I’m not a big fan of going to the movie theaters.

I listen to the radio whenever I’m in the car and usually hear about the top story.  If I haven’t heard about what that the VJ is talking about, I usually will look up on the internet.  The internet always have more than one perspectives on a story and I do find myself agreeing to whatever I believe may be true.  In this past class, I have a whole new perspective on the news through the television and internet.  And I can’t wait to learn new ways of looking up the news.